In an unassuming bathroom in a Japanese school, the spirit of Hanako-san can be summoned.
Classification: Ethereal Entities
Temporal Range: 1950s to present
Geographic Range: School bathrooms throughout Japan
Diet: Whatever the school cafeteria is serving today
Horde: Hauntings
In an unassuming bathroom in a Japanese school, the spirit of Hanako-san can be summoned. In order to seek her out, you must enter the bathroom, approach the stall and knock on the door 3 times, before asking if Hanako-san is there. If you are lucky, she won’t be and you can get back to class and worry about simple things like algebra and history. However, if you’re unlucky, she will open the door and drag you to hell. Via the toilet bowl, of course.
Hanako-san’s origins are debated. The most common reports we’ve come across claim that she was a school student during WWII, playing hide and seek, and was killed during an air raid. Other tales claim that she was killed by a cruel teacher or parent or even that she committed suicide after being the victim of bullying. The WWII claim seems much more probable after appearances began in the 1950s.
If you do happen to see this frightful spirit, you can expect to look upon a young girl with bobbed hair and wearing a red dress. It has been said that if she does answer your call, your first sign will be a bloody handprint on the stall door. After that, you’re unlikely to be making it to your next class on time.
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