Floating around train stations in Bangladesh, Skondhokata are ghosts who have lost their heads due to a variety of accidents involving trains.
Classification: Ethereal Entities
Temporal Range: 19th Century to present
Geographic Range: Train stations in Bangladesh
Diet: Nothing due to lack of head
Horde: Hauntings
Floating around train stations in Bangladesh, Skondhokata are ghosts who have lost their heads due to a variety of accidents involving trains. They are desperately seeking their missing heads and will seek out helpers in order to find them.
However, this is not a simple request for help that you should rush into. Skondhokata have been known to turn their good samaritans into their slaves, forcing them to keep searching until the head is found, no matter how long it takes. Not knowing exactly when some of these lost souls were decapitated means that in some cases, the head may not even be around anymore, meaning that someone who was simply trying to help is now trapped in the station with the spirit. Might we suggest that next time you’re in Bangladesh, you simply take the bus instead?
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