Eerie Worlds
Embrace the darkness in Eerie Worlds!


Dwelling in the mines of Cornwall, the Knocker is a creature whose name has spread throughout the world.

Classification: Ethereal Entities

Temporal Range: 18th to 19th Century

Geographic Range: Cornwall, England, as well as parts of Wales and USA

Diet: Cornish pasties

Dwelling in the mines of Cornwall, the Knocker is a creature whose name has spread throughout the world. Its cousins are known in Wales as Coblyns and in the New World as Tommyknockers, although it is not known if they are the same or related entities. These subterranean gnomes can be both a help and a hindrance to miners. They have the appearance and stature of goblins but are dressed in typical miner’s attire, complete with a headlamp.

Some believe that Knockers are the spirits of those lost in the mines and that they exist to help out their current laborers, ensuring they know the best places to mine and protecting them from potential dangers. Their name comes from the knocking sounds they make on the walls, steering miners toward the best tin veins or tapping more fervently to warn of impending collapse.

However, others consider them to be the spirit of the mine itself and capable of both mischief and menace. Milder antics include hiding tools and stealing candles. However, the more extreme include actually causing the collapse of tunnels and endangering the miners.

Cornish workers are known to thank the Knockers for their help (or attempt to gain their favor) by throwing the last bite of their lunch into the mine for them. If you are not local to Cornwall, this is generally the last bit of a Cornish pasty, which you should immediately familiarize yourself with by eating as many as you can. For research and completely scientific purposes, of course.

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