While some cryptids such as the Mothman and Dover Demon have been written off as possible owl sightings, the Cornish Owlman takes this to the extreme.
Classification: Mythical Beasts & Cryptids
Temporal Range: 1920s to present
Geographic Range: Mawnan Smith, Cornwall, UK
Diet: Small rodents
While some cryptids such as the Mothman and Dover Demon have been written off as possible owl sightings, the Cornish Owlman takes this to the extreme. First spotted in the 1920s, then again in the 70s and more recently in the early 2000s, the Owlman is approximately 5 to 6 feet tall with a wingspan of around 10 feet.
He seems to be drawn to the church of Mawnan Smith, a small village in Cornwall, where most sightings have taken place. Many describe his dark feathers and glowing eyes and the children who spotted him in 1976 even did drawings of the creature. Some of the later sightings describe a glowing light hovering over the tower of the village church.
The well informed have suggested that the Owlman may be connected to the ley lines in the area. The lines traverse specific locales and are thought to generate and attract significant supernatural energy. Our field agents have not found any connection between ley lines and the rifts opening in our realms but further study on this phenomena is needed.
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