October 20, 2024

Synnig Field Report: Banshee

Classification: Ethereal Entities

Temporal Range: 14th Century to the Present

Geographic Range: Ireland and parts of Scotland

Diet: The tears of those in mourning

Horde: Celts

While hiring professional keeners (wailing women) at funerals was common in Irish and Scottish culture, the Banshee took this to the extreme. Known as the bhean sí in Ireland, she appears either when a family member very far away has died or shortly before someone in the family dies. Either way, she is a harbinger of doom and alerts the victim’s kin of impending death. It has been suggested that she may belong to the fairy folk, but this has not been confirmed by our field agents.

Find out more by tapping the Banshee card in your collection and reading our entire report in-game. Not got the card yet? Find it in the Celts Horde! Visit our Discord and jump into our Menagerie channel to share your thoughts on Ireland’s keenest wailer.

October 20, 2024

Synnig Field Report: Banshee

Classification: Ethereal Entities

Temporal Range: 14th Century to the Present

Geographic Range: Ireland and parts of Scotland

Diet: The tears of those in mourning

Horde: Celts

While hiring professional keeners (wailing women) at funerals was common in Irish and Scottish culture, the Banshee took this to the extreme. Known as the bhean sí in Ireland, she appears either when a family member very far away has died or shortly before someone in the family dies. Either way, she is a harbinger of doom and alerts the victim’s kin of impending death. It has been suggested that she may belong to the fairy folk, but this has not been confirmed by our field agents.

Find out more by tapping the Banshee card in your collection and reading our entire report in-game. Not got the card yet? Find it in the Celts Horde! Visit our Discord and jump into our Menagerie channel to share your thoughts on Ireland’s keenest wailer.